Upon completion of your blood panel we partner with you to help you make positive changes in your life that you feel will help you live life to the fullest. Advances in preventive care, wellness, nutrition, supplements and personalized hormonal replacement have led us to a new definition of health. The staff of Eternity Health Partners can lead you in this direction based on a complete medical and dietary history, physical exam, comprehensive hormonal levels and complete blood assays.


We are dedicated to tailor the right program for your needs so during this consultation we will discuss:

Review of Blood Panel: Our Doctor and medical staff review the results of your blood panel to identify problem areas and to help you understand what it all means. Based on those results we start strategizing ways to optimize your health and do ancillary tests for Telomers, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metals, allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances to get the big picture on your complete biome.

Discuss Symptoms: We discuss the hormone-deficient symptoms you’ve been experiencing and what you can expect with treatment to address these symptoms and improve the overall health

Define a Unique Set of Goals: Each of our patients has its own unique goals associated with HRT. Our anti-aging team at Eternity Health Partners listens to your goal and helps craft them with you.

Review Medical History: Medical history can indicate predisposition to medical conditions so it’s very important to identify any potential problem areas that could be the root cause.