The Science


When you subscribe to Eternity Health Partners the goal of our hormone protocol is to use peptides to replenish your hormone-producing organs, use bio-identical hormones to balance your hormone pathways, concluding with the goal to release an optimized amount of bioavailable hormones for your body to use. The organs we seek to stimulate and replenish with peptides are your hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands. The individual hormones we seek to balance and optimize are: free testosterone, cortisol, thyroid T3, HGH (human growth hormone), progesterone, Pregnenolone, DHEA and estrogen.

Hormone-Organ Stimulation:

Eternity Health Partners uses a variety of peptides to stimulate and replenish the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands – particularly hCG and sermorelin with GHRH/GHRP 2 and 6 combos for men and women. Dr Albert Simeons first proposed that for men hCG stimulates and replenishes the hypothalamus, however an increasing amount of research is showing that hCG may also do the same to replenish the downstream hormones from the pituitary like DHEA and Pregnenolone, thyroid and adrenal glands. In addition hCG maintains testicle function, size and Fertility while you are on testosterone treatment keeping Mother Nature functioning as it was intended. Similarly, GHRH/GHRP peptides were designed to specifically help the hypothalamus and pituitary, however, some research suggests a positive stimulation on adrenals and thyroid, as well.

Ultimately, the goal is to heal, replenish and stimulate the hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals and thyroid, so all four organs are working optimally, supplying the body with strong amounts of hormones.


Hormone Pathway:

A major part of the Eternity Health Partnersprotocol is to make sure the hormone pathways are not overtaxed. One deficient hormone in the pathway can cause the hormone-producing organs (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenals, thyroid) to overwork itself to heal that deficient hormone, thereby fatiguing itself, crashing as an organ, and crashing the entire pathway. This is often the experience patients may feel who suffer from low testosterone, adrenal fatigue or thyroid issues.

Testosterone tends to be a malnourished hormone as people age – this is often because, according to our in-house research, the propensity for testosterone to convert into estrogen rises with age. For many patients, particularly men, it motivates an estrogen-blocker to be introduced into the pathway. The introduction of this is not to bring estrogen to zero (estrogen is beneficial for both genders) but to control estrogen and preserve optimized testosterone. As you can see in the chart above, estrogen is the last hormone to be produced in the adrenal-pathway, and it may get over-produced for this reason.

Eternity Health Partners uses testosterone, DHEA, pregnenolone, thyroid T4 and T3, Adrenal support adaptogens, hydrocortisone (cortisol-related) and estrogen-blockers to relieve the hormone pathway. By monitoring the main hormones in the pathway, Eternity Health Partners prescribes whatever hormones are most deficient. If the pathway can be relieved with additional hormones, while the hormone-producing organs are being replenished and stimulated, then we are allowing the hormone-producing organs to spend more energy on intelligently communicating between each other, so that the hormones in the pathway are naturally and intelligently balanced, based on what a person’s body needs. It’s not one size fits all as everyone is different and needs an Eternity Health Partners tailored made protocol to optimize these pathways.

Bioavailable Hormones:

If the hormone pathway is replenished with needed hormones, while the hormone-producing organs are healed and stimulated, then we hope that the hormone pathway is engulfed with enough hormones so that the body doesn’t ‘store’ them, but rather, releases them so that they are bioavailable for your use. We believe many bodies, particularly as aging occurs, store hormones, rather than make them available for use, due to the body’s fear of aging and need to maintain internal balance. Robust and balanced amounts of hormones in the pathway though, we believe, will cause the body to make more of them bioavailable for use, while still being able to store enough for internal balance, assisting longevity, healing, and happiness.

Our goal is to balance the pathway and to help patients produce optimized amounts of hormones. By subscribing to Eternity Health Partners, we will use peptides and individual hormones to replenish your hormone-producing organs, balance your hormone pathways, and elicit optimized amounts of bioavailable hormones, specifically: testosterone, cortisol, thyroid T3, progesterone, HGH and estrogen.

Protocols and Medications:

Most men with Eternity Health Partners will receive: Human-growth-hormone-inducing peptides testosterone, estrogen blockers, pregnenolone, DHEA and hCG. Most women with Helix MWR will receive human-growth-hormone-inducing peptides along with pregnenolone and custom compounded testosteorne DHEA cream if needed. Both men and women will also receive thyroid and adrenal medication, if levels show malnourished numbers.