Laboratory Testing in Santa Barbara, CA

As part of your initial intake and examination here at Eternity Health Partners, we pride ourselves on getting the big picture and collecting as much personal data on your biometrics as possible to ensure no stone is left unturned. We have partnered with the latest technology and state-of-the-art laboratories to analyze your complete biome all of which can be done on-site at Eternity Health Partners or at home.

As modern technology continues to evolve every day, it Is imperative that the way we analyze our overall health evolves too. It is no longer appropriate to rely on a general physical or checkup to get a good sense of how well our body is performing. We provide cutting-edge testing to give our patients a look under the hood to see what is really going on, and what we need to do to ensure their quality of life in our later years.

Each test listed below is clickable and will take you to another page with a more in-depth explanation.



Our Comprehensive HRT blood panel tests all of the items which are critical to evaluate a potential Hormone Replacement Client. The tests involved take focus on the hormones associated with someone that is experiencing hormone deficiency. This Panel includes:


Hair Analysis Testing is great to identify allergies or intolerances. Are you experiencing these symptoms regularly? You should consider keeping a food diary so that you can monitor which foods are causing you troublesome symptoms. This will help you to link your diet with your symptoms, and these can be measured overall rather than in isolation.

  • Bloat

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhea

  • Fatigue

  • Migraines and Headaches

  • Skin Rashes and Eczema

  • Vomiting and Nausea

Neuro-cognitive testing is a way to measure brain function non-invasively. Paper and pencil tests are completed to assess important aspects of cognition: attention, memory, language, reaction time, perception and so on. This isn’t about asking someone how they’re feeling or doing, it’s about giving small tasks that directly measuring them. The different tests are specifically crafted to measure particular aspects of brain function. By measuring subtle aspects of brain function, our clinicians can get a powerful microscope into what’s happening under the hood.

What does your weight really represent? When you step on a scale, you can’t see how much muscle or fat you have. All you see is how heavy you weigh.

Go beyond the scale with the InBody Test, a non-invasive body composition analysis that provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat and water on an InBody Result Sheet. An InBody Test can take anywhere from 15-120 seconds, depending on the model used.

No more pinching. No more dunking. Get results you can trust so you can reach your health and fitness goals with precision and actionable objectives.

The Galleri multi-cancer early detection test detects more than 50 types of cancer, many of which are not commonly screened for today with a simple blood draw, the Galleri test provides early detection insights that help patients be proactive about their health.

Saliva testing is a non-invasive collection method where patients collect their saliva in plastic tubes in order to measure hormones like cortisol, estrogens, progesterone, and androgens. This non-invasive saliva collection is ideal for patients because it allows them to collect their sample in the privacy of their home or office.

Boston Heart Diagnostics is transforming the treatment of cardiovascular disease and related diseases with novel diagnostics, reports, and a personalized, scientifically designed nutrition and lifestyle program customized to the patient’s results. This unique approach has had the power to change the way healthcare providers and patients communicate about heart health.

Considered just as important as oxygen, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme of niacin (vitamin B3) and is found in the mitochondria of every cell of your body. As we age, NAD+ declines and specific genes can be triggered to accelerate the aging processes. Factors like lifestyle, diet, drug or alcohol use, stress, toxicity and age influence the decline of NAD+. Symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of mental clarity, depression, stress, anxiety, and various chronic illnesses may result. Supplementing with NAD+ IV therapy gives us the ability to turn off these aging genes. NAD+ enables the transfer of energy from the foods we eat to vital cell functions, especially in the brain.

TruAge Epigenetic / Telomere Testing 

Epigenetic Testing is an epigenetic test completed with TruDiagnostics Laboratory.


Aging is defined by your cells steadily losing their ability to function. Losing cell function shows up on our body in things like gaining wrinkles (skin losing elasticity) or worsening eyesight. 

The GI Effects® Comprehensive Stool Profile is a group of advanced stool tests that provide immediate, actionable clinical information for the management of gastrointestinal health. Utilizing cutting-edge technologies and biomarkers, this profile offers valuable insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome.

Our diagnostic services are the critical first step needed for understanding how to take effective action on the journey to achieving the highest manifestation of energized wellbeing.

Our in-depth microscopy diagnostic tests identify parasites, bacteria, yeast, fungi, other pathogens, and other issues that are the root cause of a very broad range of ailments, including some of the most elusive and hard to diagnose and treat.

Eternity Health Partners is proud to offer the FDA-Approved, gold standard Testing Kit for Antigens with 98.7% accuracy. Test results in 10-15 minutes. We can ship test kits anywhere in the U.S. to test in the privacy and safety of your own home.