Anxiety/Pain/Migraine IV Infusion

Ingredients: Saline Bag+30ml Myers Base, 5mL Magnesium, 4ml Ascorbic Acid, 10mL L-Taurine, 3mL B-Complex, 1ml-Zinc, 3mL Tri-Amino push, 1ml Methylcobalamin, 5ml Glutathione

Description: The extra B-complex specifically (B-3) added to the infusion may also reduce symptoms of migraines and added extra Taurine is an amino acid that increases glycine and GABA to calm the brain (AKA ease anxiety). Useful in the treatment of symptoms resulting from high levels of physical and/or mental stress due to workload, travel , poor diet, and more. Also an ideal treatment for those suffering from adrenal fatigue/exhaustion and for re-energizing after exercise or dehydration. Specifically designed to help:

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Muscle spasms

  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Mental stress

  • Pain